Parental Co Operation
- All the efforts made by the teachers with regard to pupils' improvement can bear fruit only with the co-operation of parents.
- Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the School by enforcing regularity and discipline and by taking daily interest in their ward's progress.
- They should check the dairy for any remarks and note the homework set in the class room.
- Parents are requested not to enter the classroom to speak to the teachers during class hours.
- Parents who seek information or who wish to make any complaint should do so to the principal and not to the teacher.
- Parents are requested to send the children neat and tidy to the school.
- Parents are specially requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed.
- It is the duty and obligation of the parents to pay the school- fees in time. Please do co-operate.
- Aiming at students’ Physical and intellectual growth, parents are advised to give proper and healthy food to the wards.
- Spoon and Lunch -Towels are to be sent with children.