General Rules

General Rules

    • Students should come to the school neat and tidy. Hair should be well – trimmed and combed. Fancy hair cutting and beard are banned.
    • Students should have respect for school property. They should not damage school furniture, taps, switches, bulbs etc. nor shall they write or scribble on the walls, scratch or spoil desks and chairs. Any damage of school property will have to be compensated. They shall not damage things which belong to others.
    • Students shall not throw papers in the class rooms or verandhas and in school compounds. They must keep the class room and the campus neat and tidy
    • Playing in the class room is prohibited.
    • Strict discipline should be maintained in the school campus.
    • While moving from class to class, students should march silently in line.
    • The school is not responsible for the goods lost. Students should not bring valuables (like Cell phones, pendrive Digital watches,whitener fountain pens or gold ornaments) to the school.
    • English is the language of the school. Conversing in English is compulsory. After three warnings students are asked to meet the principal with their parents, if he/she is found disobeying the rules.
    • Usage of foul language brings suspension upon students.
    • Students and their parents must behave respectfully towards teachers and other staff members.
    • Students must be encouraged to develop a spirit of generosity. However, giving any sort of gift (individual OR collective) to the teacher is not allowed without the prior consent of the principal.
    • All students must take part in school programme and other physical activities unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the principal.
    • During school hours, students are not allowed to meet parents or visitors, or to leave the school premises without the permission of the principal.
    • Student caught copying or indulging in any other malpractice will not be allowed to continue in the school.
    • Irregular attendance, frequent failures in submitting class exercise, habitual want of discipline, serious misbehaviors and the like are sufficient reasons for dismissal.
    • Private collections of donation and selling tickets among the students in the school are prohibited.
    • There will be regular checking of School Bag by the School Authorities.
    • Students bringing mobile phones to school are strictly prohibited.
    • No cooperate tests or examinations will be conducted for absentees. Students have to stand up after each period till the next teacher reaches the class room.
    • All Students are responsible for their behaviour outside the school and their way to and from school.
    • Students are strictly informed not to take tuition under any teacher of their institution. Note: School authorities reserve